Late Arrivals and Early Departures

Attendance at school every day gives your child the best opportunity to do well.  Being a little late might not seem much but if he/she is only missing just 10 minutes per day then over thirteen years of schooling that's nearly half a year.  Check out the statistics below.....


​He/She is only
missing just...
​That equals.... ​Which is.... ​and over 13 years of schooling that's...
​10 minutes per day ​50 minutes per week ​nearly 1.5 weeks per year ​nearly half a year
​20 minutes per day ​1 hour 40 mins per week ​over 2.5 weeks per year ​nearly a year
​30 minutes per day ​half a day per week ​4 weeks per year ​nearly 1.5 years
​1 hour per day ​1 day per week ​8 weeks per year ​over 2.5 years