Administration of Medication


Our Enrolment Policy encourag​​es the integration of students with special needs. Many of these students require medication to be able to function effectively in the classroom environment. Medication may also be needed for the recovery from illness and/or prevention of illness.

Because of our duty of care to all students, clear guidelines for the administration of medications is in place both ​for the protection of the child and the teacher.


  1. Parents/Guardians are required to complete the Administration of Medication Request Form before any medications are given.
  2. The School Secretary (or another nominated staff member if the secretary is away) will be responsible for the administering of all medication.
  3. All medications administered by the school must be in a container with written instructions from the medical practitioner or pharmacist.
  4. A register of administration of medications to students is maintained detailing each medication administered at school.
  5. All medication must be handed to the school office and will be stored in a secure place at all times whilst at school.
  6. Asthma inhalers may be the responsibility of the individual student provided permission is received in writing from the parent/carer. The school would appreciate an Asthma Action Plan form the student’s doctor for reference should an attack occur.
  7. Medication may not be self-administered or kept in lunch box or bag.
  8. Staff will follow only written instructions and cannot act on directions given by phone. Therefore if your child requires medication to be administered at school, the office must be notified in writing and all medications handed to the secretary in their original packaging. When children receive their medication they will be required to sign a medications register. Medication will only be dispensed from the office, no teacher will administer medication of any kind.​